Book One | A Far Out GalaxyTravel on a spoofy, romantic romp from the far out Deovolante Galaxy to the Milky Way with mismatched mission commanders, Will and Vita, who are trying to save renegade planet Earth from itself. Our commanders are charged with calming the endless wars on planet Earth. But the well-intentioned mission is plagued with a series of untoward events that threaten to destroy it. Will our commanders be able to save the day?
What readers say - Insightful book, very refreshing for those fatigued with the celebration of violence, the inevitability of violence, and the dismissal of any effort of thought that may dwell too long on any alternatives. Instead we have a reprieve from the disgraceful politics of greed, lust and fear, replaced with an optional view of a meritocracy guiding the emergence of the populations of young planets out of self destructive behaviors. Painted on a canvas of intergalactic politics, the plot orbits around a troublesome and backward race of humans in a remote galaxy, and what intervention may be needed. The love stories among the members of the rescue mission seem to be one of Ms. Thelens finest gifts. Reflecting what actually takes place between people when they find each other, there is a period, sometimes a long period, before the attraction develops into love. She describes these intervals with patience, precision, and a well developed perception of the subtleties of attraction. This book is an imaginative, refreshing, and gracious look at mankind's ethical dilemmas. Barbara D., College Station, Texas
This is the funniest, sexiest science fiction novel I have ever read. Majorie Thelen has an amazing, imaginative, creative mind that made hard to put this book down. There were several laugh-out-loud lines in the the book that just made my evening (my favorite time to read the book) and made me forget all about the stress of the day. And the erotic scenes, wow! I felt feelings I thought had died along with my hormones after menopause :-). I can’t wait to get to the next book in the series after finishing this one. I would HIGHLY recommend this book. Dianne P., Houston |
Book Two | The Next Universe OverRodan, former misguided pirate now reformed, leads an expedition from planet Earth back to the Deovolante Galaxy to re-establish contact with the Oversee, the Deovolante ruling entity, who have disappeared. The return trip is plagued with problems. First and foremost, they discover a mysterious being in the ship’s freezer, who shouldn’t be there. When the expedition arrives in Deovolante, they discover there is a strange entity pursing them. Rodan and company decide to confront the strange entity at a black hole rendezvous. Unfortunately, their navigator makes a few wrong calculations, and they end up in the Next Universe Over.
"This is totally worth the read. Marjorie Thelen effectively advances some very interesting theories, which makes for a wonderful read." Virginia Boding, CA
This space opera just keep getting better! After finishing the first book in this space opera, I quickly ordered and devoured this one. Majorie brings in redemption and romance, a finding of one’s true self, and a healing of the misperceptions and lies we can tell ourselves (or be told) about who we really are. Again this second in the series book is laugh-out-loud funny, imaginative, and the action never stops. This one was just as difficult to put down at the first one and now I can’t wait to read the third book. Dianne P., Houston |
Book 3 | Hoodoo CanyonEloise Bright, renowned theoretical physicist, finds it odd that a top-secret physics conference will be held at a remote backcountry campsite in Utah’s Bryce Canyon National Park. When the conference organizer doesn’t show, the attending physicists team up to try to find him. One of them takes extraordinary interest in Eloise and, in an aside to her, confesses he is from another galaxy, which she laughs off at the same time wondering what she’s gotten herself into. Eloise’s scientific training is put to the test as she comes to terms with a hoodoo curse that brings bad luck. Ultimately, she has to decide if she really believes her eyes.
"If you've been to Bryce Canyon when you read this you'll see Marjorie Thelen gets everything about the area right. She then peoples the place with a collection of odd characters you want to follow because you feel affection for their eccentricities. Marjorie adds in just enough math and science to let non-science-types be in the know, without being frustrated by what they don't know." Cecil Gray
As promised, I quickly picked up this next in the series and devoured it just as quickly. Marjorie has an amazing, vivid imagination. And the thing that was the funnest for me in this book is that I grew up in Utah and have been to Bryce Canyon! Now it turns out there really isn't Hoodoo Canyon, which was a relief to me because I wondered why I had never heard of it before, but there is a Bryce Canyon with those amazing rock formations she describes. Anyhoo, this is another fun, fast moving, adventurous book with some amazing, quirky, earthlings (or Bluebees as the Deovolantes call them) as the central characters this time, along with one Deovolante. There's mystery, there's romance, there's sex (of course, what would a Marjorie Thelen book be without that), and some interesting science. This writer really does her homework about physicists and physics, and yet makes it accessible to us non-scientist types. Again, I HIGHLY recommend this book, the whole series actually. Okay, off to the next (but I hope not the last) in the series, laughing out loud along the way! Dianne P.,Houston |
Book 4 | Earth RisingIn Earth Rising Eloise Bright, well-known physicist, encounters again the strange alien known as Mur Ray, whom she met in Hoo Doo Canyon and who has decided he wants her for his mate. He's on Earth to assemble the team of aliens from the Deovolante Galaxy who are helping with the Rising, which will move Earth to a higher plane of existence. She meets the Rising team at their base on a ranch in Oregon. Along with two of her colleagues she tries to make the Rising work. But they encounter resistance from Earth herself who erupts into volcanoes and earthquakes in protest. The Earth's plant and animal life refuse to cooperate with the Rising because they don't want humans to remain as rulers. It looks like the Rising is doomed, and Eloise distances herself from Mur Ray and the rest of the Deovolante team. But a slight problem surfaces, and Eloise once again has to face Mur Ray. It is up to Eloise to make the decision that will affect the rest of her life and the future well being of her colleagues and planet.
"I just finished "Earth Rising" and loved it. While it stands alone just fine, it brought all the Deovolante books together nicely, and much more! The added depth was impressive, introducing more interesting characters and developing the existing ones. Marjorie has a huge repertoire of clever, thought-provoking ideas. And the timing of this book is great, so relevant to what's happening today." Pam Keller, OR
Book 4 in the Deovolante Space Opera series is Ms. Thelen's best book yet. With the Devolantes and the Bluebees (earthlings to you and I) teaming up to literally save the planet earth--make it rise. In Marjorie's usual fun/funny style, this book has some surprising twists and turns, romance and love--of course, and a dark dystopian turn that feels a little too close to home given the current realities our world (and most especially our country) is living in and seems to be moving towards. This book is about ways we, today, can literally save this world and gives me hope for the future of "personkind." READ THIS BOOK. You will be really glad you did. Dianne P.,Houston |
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